[Salon] This Is What It Was Like to Be Indifferent to Nazi Genocide


Finian Cunningham, October 26, 2023

This Is What It Was Like to Be Indifferent to Nazi Genocide

The hypocrisy of the Western media is reflective of the unscrupulous political agenda of their governments.

Looking back at the horrors inflicted by Nazi Germany, a fascinating, disturbing question is: why and how could so many people at that time be indifferent to the crimes? After the defeat of the Nazi fascist regime, people adamantly lamented “never again” would such horror be permitted.

Part of the lament was due to a sense of collective guilt that more wasn’t done at the time to stop the systematic mass killings and brutality.

Well, up to a point, it is happening again in Gaza where 2.3 million have been subjected to three weeks of constant, indiscriminate bombardment amid a total blockade of water, food and other basic human necessities.

And, shamefully, incredibly, the world is letting it happen – again. This time, we don’t have the mitigatory excuse of ignorance and lack of information from antiquated communication systems. The mass murder in Gaza is on prime-time television.

The United Nations Security Council is seemingly at an impasse to muster a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire and the urgent dispatch of aid trucks into the Gaza Strip. Three weeks of massacring a civilian population trapped in a coastal area – described as the world’s biggest open-air concentration camp – have been permitted to continue while the UN Security Council wrangles over diplomatic resolutions.

At the rate of killing by Israeli military forces, the death toll in Gaza will soon reach 10,000 with multiples of that as injured. That’s just the violent casualties. With no water or food and hospitals closing from lack of fuel, the mortality will likely be even greater. Most of the dead and injured are women and children who have nothing to do with the killings by the Hamas militants from Gaza on October 7 when 1,400 Israelis died.

The horror in Gaza is comparable to the Nazi brutality inflicted on the Warsaw Ghetto during four weeks in April-May 1943 when over 10,000 Jewish civilians were killed in reprisal for an armed uprising by resistance fighters.

Many people around the world are rightly outraged by the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza. Huge public protests in Arab nations as well as in Europe and North America condemning the Israeli war crimes are indicative of the collective disgust over the daily massacre and starvation.

There seems to be a historic watershed moment now in the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

For too many decades, the Israeli regime has gotten away with mass murder and criminal occupation against the Palestinians. Part of that license was due to the confusion in world opinion caused by the Zionist distorted conflation of the history pertaining to the Nazi holocaust.

What is becoming increasingly clear to the world is that the Israeli regime is a perverse travesty of the Jewish genocide under the Nazis. Since its illegal inception as a colonial state in 1948, the Zionist regime is comparatively a continuation of the fascist crimes that were committed by Nazi Germany against Jews – the difference being that the newer victims are the Palestinians.

It seems incredible to say this: the Israeli apartheid regime is finally losing the propaganda war. It seems incredible to say this because one should wonder why it has taken so long for the horrific truth to be widely seen before now.

It should be patently evident that huge crimes are being perpetrated when we see children decapitated by air strikes when hospitals are being blown up, when medics and journalists are being killed, and when babies are dying from incubators being shut down from lack of electricity. It seems almost bizarre to say that the perpetrators of such barbarity are finally losing the propaganda war. How did they ever get away with it?

So, why isn’t there a world-stopping condemnation of this barbarity? There are huge public protests and anger around the world against the Israeli genocide of Palestinians but surely there should be more action than that to bring this obscenity to a peremptory end – now.

This is where the Western leaders, governments and media are part of the endemic problem.

U.S. President Joe Biden has the sickening bigotry to say that Palestinians are lying about the casualties in Gaza. Biden is echoing the Israeli regime’s flagrant lies that the people in Gaza are cutting off their electricity supplies and bombing their own hospitals.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has the nauseating gall to say that the people of Gaza are “victims of Hamas terrorism” and he wishes Israel “to win”.

France’s Macron, Germany’s Scholz, the EU’s Von Der Leyen, Canada’s Trudeau, and so on. They are all vile apologists and obscurantists for genocide.

All the Western leaders cynically profess their support for “Israel’s right to self-defense” as it slaughters innocent civilians by the hundreds every day. Such establishment deception by Western rulers – amplified by servile Western media – has caused confusion, disinformation and disorientation among the public. (Not only on the issue of Israel-Palestine but countless other subjects too.)

The United States has blocked at least two resolutions at the UN Security Council calling for an immediate ceasefire because the wording of the proposals does not codify “Israel’s right to self-defense”.

This is playing politics and shielding crimes while thousands of innocent people are being murdered under a rain of bombs and starved to death under the rubble.

This is what genocide looks like and this is what it is like for the world to stand by and watch. If you thought it would have been impossible to happen then think again, open your eyes, it is.

The Western media – the European and United States media outlets like BBC and CNN to name only two – have helped minimize the criminality of the Israeli regime and the nefarious role of complicit Western state backers. Yes, these outlets have shown footage of appalling destruction in Gaza by the Israelis, but these same outlets rarely tell viewers the names of the victims nor how wanton and evil the killing is. There is a systematic bias to diminish the criminality of the U.S. and European-backed Israeli violence against a captive civilian population.

Compare the disproportionate, non-stop coverage the Western media have given to the war in Ukraine over the past 19 months. According to the UN figures, there have been 10,000 civilian deaths in the Ukraine conflict compared with the deaths in Gaza over three weeks. Russia has been accused, vilified and condemned at every turn over the violence in Ukraine – even though the root cause of that conflict can be attributed to the U.S.-led NATO and the Nazi regime weaponized in Kiev since a CIA-orchestrated coup in 2014.

The hypocrisy of the Western media is reflective of the unscrupulous political agenda of their governments. Russia is deemed to be an official enemy, therefore media coverage is disproportionate and pejorative, indeed propagandistic. While the Tel Aviv regime whose crimes are colossal and glaring is relatively shielded by the Western media in accord with the prejudices of their governments.

Nonetheless – and this is historically significant – there is an abrupt and widening glitch in the thought-control matrix. The sheer, grotesque criminality of the Israeli regime and the West’s institutional complicity is no longer concealable in spite of the massive lies and distortions. People in Western nations and around the world are increasingly becoming aware of the genocide that alleged democratic powers are committing. Not only aware but abhorred and furious.

The Israeli apartheid regime is finished. And so too are the corrupt Western regimes that have masqueraded for so long as “democracies”.

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